How to use NameCoach in Canvas

NameCoach is an easy to use tool that allows students, faculty, and administrators record how their
name should be pronounce, identify their preferred gender pronouns, select an honorific, as well as
hear how others names should be pronounced. NameCoach allows users to easily record the
correct pronunciation of their name using a computer or mobile device.

Adding NameCoach to a Canvas Course

NameCoach seamlessly integrates into Canvas courses. By adding the NameCoach tool to the
course Navigation Menu, faculty and students will have access to hear how each student would like
their name pronounced. Students can easily record the correct pronunciation of their name, and
select their honorific and preferred gender pronouns. The NameCoach integration allows faculty to
see which students have not recorded their name, and to email a request or a reminder to those

To add NameCoach to a Canvas Course Navigation Menu, click Settings on the lower left side of the page, then select the
Navigation tab on the top tool bar.

Find NameCoach in the list of available tools.

Either drag and drop NameCoach onto the Course Navigation Menu at the top, or click the three dot menu to the right and
select Enable.

Click Save at the bottom of the page to add NameCoach to the Course Navigation Menu.

Using NameCoach in Canvas

Click the NameCoach link on the course navigation menu. On the NameCoach Recorded Names
page, faculty and students will be able to record their name, and see who else in the course has
recorded their name. Honorifics and preferred gender pronouns can also be added and viewed for
each user.

On the Recorded Name page, instructors have icons to send an email to ask students to
rerecord their names and track what email requests have been sent to each student.

1. Click the NameCoach link on the Course Navigation Menu to access the page.
2. Users can record or edit their recording of their name.
3. Recorded Names tab lists all users who have recorded their names on NameCoach.
4. Search allows users to search for a specific person by name.
5. Listen to a person’s name recording by clicking the play icon next to their name.
6. If entered, a user’s honorific and preferred gender pronouns will be displayed.
7. Unrecorded Names tab lists all users who have not recorded their names on NameCoach.

The Unrecorded Names page lists all users who have not yet recorded their name in NameCoach.

1. The Unrecorded Names tab lists all users who have not recorded their names on NameCoach.
2. Instructors can click the Remind All button to send a reminder email to all unrecorded users.
3. The Ask to Record icon will send an email request to the selected individual to record their name.
4. See Emails Already Sent will show the history of request emails sent to that individual.
5. Instructors can add or edit student’s honorifics (e.g. Ms., Mrs., Mr., etc.).
6. Instructors can add or edit student’s preferred gender pronouns.

For more information, please email or call 314-977-4000.




Article ID: 587
Tue 10/24/23 10:34 AM
Tue 10/24/23 11:12 AM