Uploading Files to Microsoft OneDrive

How To Back Up Content to OneDrive:

  1. Open a web browser and go to auth.slu.edu.
  2. Log into the portal with your SLU Net ID and password.
  3. Select Applications to the left.
  4. Click on the Microsoft Office365 OneDrive tile.
  5. By default, the window that opens will be the My Files folder for your OneDrive account.
  6. Browse to the folder into which you want to upload your files or click the blue New button at the top and choose to create a Folder.
  7. Once inside the folder in which you wish to back up your content, click the Upload button and select whether you want to upload a folder or files.
  8. In the subsequent browsing window, select the folder or files you wish to upload and then click the Open button.
  9. At this point your content is now saved to the cloud in Microsoft OneDrive.

How To Access Content from OneDrive:

  1. Open a web browser and go to auth.slu.edu.
  2. Log into the portal with your SLU Net ID and password.
  3. Select Applications to the left.
  4. Click on the Microsoft Office365 OneDrive tile.
  5. By default, the window that opens will be the My Files folder for your OneDrive account.
  6. Browse to the folder from which you want to download your files.
  7. If the file you uploaded is a Microsoft Office file (e.g., Word DOCX, PowerPoint PPTX, Excel XLSX) you can click on the file to open it in the Web version of Office.
  8. Otherwise, highlight the checkmark to the left of the file(s) you wish to download and click the Download button at the top of the screen.
  9. Once downloaded, you will be able to open these files in their original application and edit them.

How To Use OneDrive Offline:

  1. OneDrive is installed as part of your Microsoft Office365 Suite. Run it from your list of Programs.
  2. If you have not configured OneDrive yet, you will be prompted to Create account or Sign in. Enter your SLU email address and click Sign in.
  3. At the University login screen, enter your SLU Net ID and password and click Submit.
  4. OneDrive will then notify you where your OneDrive folder is located on your computer: C:\Users\YourUsername\OneDrive - Saint Louis University\
    Below that path, there is an option to Change Location. If you wish to have that folder somewhere else, click Change Location and browse to a different folder.
  5. The installation program provides some information about the tool in a few pages. As you finish reading each, click the Next button in the lower right corner.
  6. OneDrive can host files in one of three ways:
    1. Online-only - These files don't take up space on your computer. They download as you use them.
    2. On this device - When you open a file, it downloads to your device so you can edit it when you're offline.
    3. Always available - Right-click a file to make it available offline.
  7. Once configured, you can find OneDrive listed under file explorer (or Finder on Macs).
  8. You can open files directly from OneDrive, drag and drop files onto OneDrive and even create folders and organize your files through this interface.
  9. Any changes you make to files in the OneDrive directory will sync to hosted OneDrive SLU account whenever you have a network connection.
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