Handshake Information for Students and Staff


Information about student access and staff hiring access issues pertaining to Handshake.


Student Handshake Onboarding Process:

Student-level access to Handshake is automatically granted upon enrollment in university courses. Admitted students will be given access to the platform once they start classes. The account creation process is automatic and does not require action from the incoming student or ITS. Of course, if there are unforeseen access issues with the system, current students should email handshake@slu.edu for assistance.

Staff Handshake Access Issues:

Staff access to Handshake is limited to hiring purposes only. When the Career Services team gives staff this access level, they might find they cannot log in to Handshake through the SLU Okta apps screen. This login flow does not work for staff access because the Single Sign On (SSO) access is only supported for student-level accounts. Staff with an existing employer-level account can log in with the following procedure:

  1. Point your web browser to: https://slu.joinhandshake.com/login .
  2. Select Sign in with your email address under the main student login buttons.
  3. Enter your SLU email address.
  4. Enter your password.

Handshake Deactivated Student-Level Account:

SLU Handshake administrators deactivate student-level accounts automatically when a formerly enrolled student leaves the university or defers their start date past the active semester. Their Handshake account will not be reinstated until the departed student re-enrolls in upcoming coursework. This process is automatic and should not require action by the student or ITS.

Another reason for Handshake account deactivation is a duplicate account request. Verified current students who request access with a personal email address or incorrectly formatted SLU email address will have the duplicate account deactivated. For these students, advise them to log out of Handshake and log in with their SLU Outlook email address. Current students are automatically granted accounts assigned to their SLU Outlook email address.



Article ID: 590
Wed 11/22/23 6:48 PM
Wed 4/17/24 7:10 PM