Classroom Technology Video


This article hosts the Classroom Technology Video that provides an overview of the equipment installed in most classrooms throughout the campus.




Instructions to use this video:

Play Video: Click on the video to make it begin playing.

Chapters: Click the ^ at the bottom center of the video screen to see the chapters and jump to a particular section or drag the slider at the bottom of the screen to one of the chapter points listed by its time below:

00:00 - Intro
00:24 - The Crestron Panel
01:14 - Installed Video Camera
02:04 - In-Room Microphones
02:26 - Technology Installed in Classrooms
02:57 - What You Need to Present
03:44 - Connecting A Laptop
04:42 - Lecture Capture and Distance Learning Overview
05:49 - Lecture Capture with Panopto
07:30 - Distance Learning with Zoom
09:03 - Troubleshooting/Display
09:34 - Troubleshooting/Computer Audio
10:07 - Troubleshooting/Zoom Audio & Video
10:29 - Troubleshooting/Panopto Audio & Video
10:49 - Troubleshooting/Getting Help
11:17 - Scheduling Classroom Training

Full Screen: Click the box in lower right corner of the video to enter Full Screen Mode.

Closed Captions: Click on the CC in the box in the lower right to toggle Closed Captions on and off.



Article ID: 552
Wed 7/5/23 9:19 PM
Thu 7/6/23 6:30 PM