Panopto Quiz as Canvas Assignment


Instructors can create Quizzes in Panopto. To deploy videos with quizzes in Canvas instructors must use the Assignment tool so the score can be sent to the Grade Book. Students must access the video in the Assignment area on the left menu in Canvas.


Instructors can create a Panopto video assignment synced with Canvas that will report quiz results and data. This allows instructors to see both who has taken the quiz and their results, while enabling instructors to add quiz scores to the users' grades in the Canvas course. Students can easily view the Panopto video and take embedded quizzes through Canvas.

Please find the tutorial here:


  • Panopto videos without quizzes can be posted by using the Web Embed feature in the Rich Text Editor.
    However videos with quizzes are handled differently.
  • Panopto assignments are an external tool to Canvas. That is why they are created in Assignments.
  • Students must use the link in Assignments for their grade to reported back to Canvas.



Article ID: 235
Thu 6/3/21 2:19 PM
Wed 7/27/22 4:42 PM