How to request a DHCP IP reservation or request a static IP

Tags DHCP How-to

DHCP Reservation (Preferred method for devices on client networks to maintain the same IP address):

If one needs their device to always get the same IP address and the device is located on a client network (not in a University, ITS managed, data center), one should go to and request a DHCP Reservation via the DHCP Reservation Service

Static IP Address for Client Network:

If one's device cannot use the DHCP or BootP protocols to secure a reserved address, then an IP address can be excluded from the DHCP scope of the wired client network on which that device is located. These requests will be reviewed by the ITS Change Management Team and implemented only with approval.

  1. To obtain the DHCP Scope exclusion, please fill out a generic support request at Include the following information in the service request.
  • The building and room number where the device(s) will be physically located.
  • The reason a DHCP Scope Exclusion for a Static IP is required rather than using a DHCP Reservation.
  • Include/Attach any supporting documentation to the request (screenshots, technical information, etc.). This will help gain approval by the Change Management Team.
  • If you know the IP network subnet that the device is on, please include it. If you do not know, please call the ITS Service Desk for help in determining 
  1. ITS will create a change request for excluding the IP(s) from it's DHCP scope. Changes are reviewed and approved on Tuesdays and Thursdays then scheduled for implementation.
  2. On approval, ITS will implement the change and notify the individual who submitted the service request that the IP has been excluded from the DHCP scope.

NOTE: DHCP Reservations and Exclusions will not be approved in ITS CMT for wireless networks. In the event this is your use case, please request a consult from ITS Security Operations.  

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Article ID: 490
Thu 8/11/22 1:16 PM
Thu 9/1/22 5:43 PM