How To Share Large Files With Colleagues

How To 

Email does not allow for sending files larger than 25 MB as attachments. SLU offers a service called SendThisFile that enables sharing files up to 2 GB in size, provided one of the involved parties is a member of the SLU community.



  1. This can be used to send up to 5 files at once.
  2. Total combined file size cannot exceed 2GB.
  3. Do not use this form to send PHI (Protected Health Information), student information, or financial information.

How A Member of SLU Faculty or Staff Can Send A Large File:

  1. Open a web browser and go to
  2. Log into the portal with your SLU Net ID and password.
  3. Select Applications to the left.
  4. Click the tile labeled SendThisFile.
  5. Fill out the following information:
    1. From email address - must be from a SLU account
    2. Recipients - all of the people who should get the file(s)
    3. Subject - this is the subject line for the email that will be generated
    4. Message - this will appear in the body of the email along with the link for the file(s)
    5. Download notice - when you will be informed about downloads of the file
    6. Delete notice - when you will be informed if the file is deleted
    7. Restrict to - how many times the file(s) can be downloaded
    8. Delete after - when the file can be deleted
    9. Send me a copy - this sends a copy to the sender as well
  6. Once the information is filled out, there are five Choose File buttons that allow you to select up to five files to be included in the link provided. Select the button(s) and browse to and select the file(s) you wish to send.
  7. When the information is filled out and the file(s) selected, click the SendThisFile button at the bottom.

How A Colleague Outside of SLU Can Send a Large File to Someone in the SLU Community:

  1. Provide the following link to a colleague:
  2. When the page opens, have them fill out the following information:
    1. From email address - the sender's email address
    2. Recipients - must include a SLU account
    3. Subject - this is the subject line for the email that will be generated
    4. Message - this will appear in the body of the email along with the link for the file(s)
    5. Download notice - when the sender will be informed about downloads of the file
    6. Delete notice - when the sender will be informed if the file is deleted
    7. Restrict to - how many times the file(s) can be downloaded
    8. Delete after - when the file can be deleted
    9. Send me a copy - this sends a copy to the sender as well
  3. Once the information is filled out, there are five Choose File buttons that allow the sender to select up to five files to be included in the link provided. Select the button(s) and browse to and select the file(s) the sender wishes to send.
  4. When the information is filled out and the file(s) selected, the sender should click the SendThisFile button at the bottom.
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Article ID: 176
Mon 3/29/21 1:18 PM
Thu 5/30/24 1:29 PM